
everyone need to be on package

To be albe to attend the event
all Amateur or Professional must be
on package.
We have two Packages available. 

Package A 
  •  Saturday and Sunday Dinner Party  -
  • Admission to the ballroom and reserved seating on table) 
Package B
  • Only Admission Package seat freely at the dedicate area for B packages. 


Please write to to enter the event


For Single Dance events in all listed Styles - You have the possibility to dance dance 8 times, the same dance.

Student can compete in :
1. Actual level and age category
2. Actual level and compete with younger age category
3. Actual age category and higher level category
4. Younger age category and higher Level categoryAs you can see in Closed category can apply this formula and dance 4 times and same applies also for Open Category events-can dance 4 times.
Student has 52 years - B2(50-59) category and existing level is Bronze

CLOSED Ballroom Waltz :
1. Bronze level and age category B2(50-59)
2. Bronze level and age category B1 (40-49)
3. Age category B2(50-59) and Silver level
4. Age category B1 (40-49) and Silver Level

OPEN Ballroom Waltz :
5. Bronze level and age category B2(50-59)
6. Bronze level and age category B1 (40-49)
7. Age category B2(50-59) and Silver level
8. Age category B1 (40-49) and Silver Level

As you can see in Closed category can apply this formula and dance 4 times and same applies also for Open Category events-can dance 4 times.

CLOSED category description
Pro/Am couple must start first 8 bars of the music in closed hold.
Figures must be chosen from actual level of the student. Bronze figures for Bronze level student.
Better relation between figures and level you can find on YouTube under NDCA description of style and level you looking for.

N.B. For each Multidance o Championship division a student enters, he/she must dance those same dances in single dance events 

Entry Form office

Please don't hesitate to send us an email if you need any help on the for the entries.